Tips for Successful Online Meetings
As more meetings move online, it is a good time to share tips and resources on facilitating online meetings with each other. Although you may find that the current coronavirus [...]
As more meetings move online, it is a good time to share tips and resources on facilitating online meetings with each other. Although you may find that the current coronavirus [...]
It is hard to believe we are already at the end of the decade (and that I’ve been blogging for a decade!) but here we are :) For my end [...]
Upswell is a convening organized by the national organization Independent Sector to bring together those working towards change in the social sector in the US. The following are a few [...]
Last week I participated in a discussion around some of the success factors for how organizations can engage and grow more effectively internationally. We reviewed a report entitled Association Global [...]
One of the fun parts of being more ‘senior’ in one’s career is having the opportunity to share ‘lessons learned’ over the years. I had the opportunity to participate in [...]
Having worked with numerous organizations on not only developing their goals and designing their plans, but actually implementing them over time, I’ve come to appreciate the value of learning the [...]
The Testing Change project I founded and am managing had an in person gathering earlier this month. It was a great opportunity to really grapple with the concept of what [...]
Earlier this month I participated in International Civil Society Week in Belgrade. Since 2012, when I last wrote about a CIVICUS sponsored global gathering, we are seeing more agreement on [...]
I’ve been leading an initiative that’s now going into its sixth year and have thus been thinking about some of our learning around long term change. Long term change for [...]
As we move into a new year, there have been a number of pieces discussing trends we should be aware of. Here are some of the trends I find most [...]