When it’s time to wind down or pivot
Had a great run with your community of practice / network? Is the momentum diminishing? Could it be time to pivot or wind down? Introduction: Over the past decade [...]
Had a great run with your community of practice / network? Is the momentum diminishing? Could it be time to pivot or wind down? Introduction: Over the past decade [...]
As many of you who have been readers of this blog know, I have written a number of times over the past years about the Civil Society and Testing [...]
Introduction One of the most rewarding parts of my work over the years has been helping to create and nurture multi-stakeholder efforts. Multi-stakeholder initiatives are voluntary partnerships between groups [...]
Through this blog I periodically share learning from projects I have recently been involved with. These can be reminders of things we know but in the day to day press [...]
The Testing Change project is a global collaboration of organizations who set out to identify and test some new operational approaches that could help organizations stay relevant. We have thus [...]
Many fluent English speakers may have heard this expression “Practice Makes Perfect" at some point. Most of our organizations and projects are of course not really going for ‘perfect’ but [...]
I haven’t done an end of the year blog post in a number of years now, but there is something about this year that feels like it merits marking its [...]
Readers of this blog will know that for the past few years I have written about a project I founded and manage called the Testing Change project. The Testing Change [...]
Recently I had the opportunity to co-create, host and facilitate the annual workshop of Accountable Now. We used many of the approaches that we have developed through the Testing Change [...]
We’ve survived the first weeks… Phase 1, the high intensity, quick decision-making time is ending. Phase 2 is harder, it’s the endurance phase. It’s like moving from acute to chronic, [...]