Transitioning the Testing Change project
As many of you who have been readers of this blog know, I have written a number of times over the past years about the Civil Society and Testing [...]
As many of you who have been readers of this blog know, I have written a number of times over the past years about the Civil Society and Testing [...]
I periodically do a review of some global trends that may impact organizations I work with. Here is some of what I am seeing mid-2021. Uneven vaccination and recovery – [...]
Background/context Many of us have been leaders for a long time, but with a global pandemic, political and social upheaval and so much more, this period clearly feels and is [...]
It is hard to believe we are already at the end of the decade (and that I’ve been blogging for a decade!) but here we are :) For my end [...]
Last week I was one of a number of multinational presenters at the first inaugural Middle East Association Congress. The event brought together a thoughtful and inquisitive group that explored [...]
This week the World Economic Forum is meeting in the Swiss town of Davos. Many of us aren’t aware of this or if we are, don’t think anything will come [...]
The ends and beginnings of calendar years are always good times for some reflection on what’s just past and looking forward to the new year. Due to a heavy travel [...]
I am convinced that going forward we will be organizing more online meetings as well as those that integrate both online and offline attendees. Even though, as humans, we will [...]
As has been obvious to those who follow the international policy arena and/or have seen all of the #post2015 hashtags, 2015 was going to be a year of transition in [...]
2014 provided some significant global events and momentum for positive change that we can build on in the new year. Some of these include: • Sustaining emergent movements: 2014 included [...]